
     Gianluca Vigliar Quartet  “ECLIPSE”, relesed on January 2024


Musica Jazz  22/07/2024

“If you want to reconcile with music, listen to the interplay of this quartet, the timing of its members, their ability to weave sounds in tune with contemporaneity without however detaching themselves too much from the stylistic features of the idiom that we are passionate about The fact that all this has to do with Italian musicians (now we also consider the double bass player Ameen Saleem, who has collaborated for a long time with Roy Hargrove and who comes from Washington D.C., but has lived in Italy for several years) is something that , out of pure parochial spirit, fills us with pride. Because it means that, despite the fact that the so-called “Italian jazz” has been spiraling in on itself for a few years, there is still someone who demonstrates that they have ears and, above all, soul. , open. Gianluca Vigliar with «Eclipse» is in his third recording effort (the second for A.Ma Records after «Plastic Estrogenus») and is one of the emerging saxophonists on the Roman scene. His characteristic, in addition to having a fluid and mature, is that of knowing how to gather great musicians around him. And you can feel it. A great jazz album”. (N.Gaeta)


The album “Eclipse”

will be released on January 26th and the same day the band will present the

album at the ” Casa del jazz ” in Rome.


               tickets avaible here :







Gianluca’s Biography

Gianluca Vigliar was born in Rome in 1979, he started his music studies with piano when he was eight years old, but after he attended a performance by the famous Tony Scott he developed a passion for Jazz music and decided to approach his studies towards the tenor saxophone with Paolo Farinelli .

Successively he took part at the Conservatory Morlacchi in Perugia attending the saxophone’s class with Mario Raya, he graduated in 2007. Simultaneously with the Conservatory’s studies he started the activity of sideman and arranger for many national reggae and pop bands participating to many national and international Festivals: In 2004 won together with Andrea Rivera the first award at the Festival del Teatro-Canzone Giorgio Gaber inViareggio, in 2006 the award for the event “Primo Maggio tutto l’anno” playing at the Concerto del primo Maggio(National Labor day) with Wogiagia.

In April 2010 he graduated at the second level at the Conservatorio di S.Cecilia, Jazz degree with highest honours. In the same year he took part in the ensamble of the director of the Jazz Departement of the Accademy of S.Cecilia of Rome, also with Paolo Damiani in many festivals (Siena Jazz ,Roccella Jazz Festival ). During the new emerging bands contest of Festival Jazz in Fara Sabina “Fara in Jazz” in 2011 won the first award as the best solo artist. The year after with his project of trio pianoless “Vigliar G Trio” participated at the “Italian Jazz Days in New York” coordinated by the Director of the Lincoln Center Antonio Ciacca, performing during one of his shows with the special guest Fabio Zeppetella. Also during the last few years he took part in many BigBands as first tenor player with the Orchestra Jazz of Villa Celimontana directed by M.Corvini during Festival di Villa Celimontana in 2010 and 2011. Recently is part of the O.J.P (jazz orchestra Parthenopea)of Pino Jodice who performed together with Paolo Fresu and Raed Khoshaba in 2016, and since two years he is also part of another project of the famous piano composer Pino Jodice,“Pino Jodice Quintet “, they will perform at the “ Casa del Jazz “ on June 11th 2016 .

Gianluca Vigliar played with: Greg Hutchinson , Javier Girotto , Fernando Huergo , Mark Shlansky, Israel Varela ,Mario Corvini , Pino Jodice , Mark White , Paolo Fresu ,Raed Khoshaba , Pietro Jodice , Giovanni Tommaso ,Fabio Zeppetella  , Salvatore Buonafede , Scott Deogburn ,Sandro Deidda , Alexandre Cerdà Belda , Stefano di Battista , Daniele Tittarelli , Elvio Ghigliordini ,Antonio Ciacca , B. Ferra , Francesco Puglisi, Dino Govoni, Marco Valeri , Ron Savage , Giorgio Rosciglione , Valerio Vigliar , Claudio Filippini , Domenico Sanna , Pietro Ciancaglini , Carlo Conti ,Federica Michisanti, Giovanni Imparato , Jacopo Ferrazza.

“The band and his history”

“FraGia”  is a pianoless band led by Gianluca Vigliar, saxofonist player and composer. Before the Quartet, he played with “Vigliar G TriO” (G.Luca Vigliar Sax, Bass L.Fattorini, E.Morello drums) and he participated in many Festivals such as “ Italian Jazz Festival “ in 2011, Fara Jazz Festival 2011\12 and many more .

This experience It’s been very important for conceiving what today the writing It has to be and his music would never be the same without this amazing band: two young talents, Francesco Fratini on trumpet, and Luca Fattorini on Dbass and MarcoValeri, one of the most outstanding drummer in Italy.

Gianluca’s music tends to create a sort of narration and has the musical objective of composing a synergy and equality between the instruments without having only an element prevailing above each one. An intense interplay and a constant tendency to create a different and variable situations, therefore various and improvised subjects which give to the solo artists the possibility to interchange between them and not only on the same structures, so that the music becomes more expendable to the audience. His music is characterized by a very warm and dark timbre of the instruments that give a round and soft sound . The two winds section’s line links to the bass one and produce a counterpoint that together with the rhythmic choice creates a beating on the persistent complex and It is very intriguing in the manner of music research. In October 2017 their first album “FraGia” was released.

Luca’s Biography

LUCA FATTORINI, born in Rome on January 1988 , began studying bass at age 12. He has had several italian and international teachers who have taught him along the way as Bruno Tommaso, Larry Grenadier, Ben Street, Ameen Saleem, Ron Carter ecc. He has played and recorded with many great musicians including Gregory Hutchinson, Bill Smith, Roberto Gatto, Rick Margitza, David Kikosky, Sheila Jordan, Rosario Giuliani, Enrico Pieranunzi, Gary Thomas, Nir Felder, Logan Richardson, George Garzone, Alison Crocket, Alice Ricciardi, Zara McFarlane ecc. He has participated in many italian and international festivals as: Umbria Jazz, Roma Jazz Festival, Taormina Jazz, Atina Jazz, Casa del Jazz, Peperoncino Jazz, Blue Note (Tokyo), Ronnie Scott (London), Worm Jazz & Joy Festival (Germany), Italian Jazz Days (New York City) ecc.

Marco’s Biography

Marco Valeri is one of the most prominent drummers in Italy. Born in Rome, in 1978,his father is a drummer and this gave him the opportunity to get very close to music and to drums when he was still a kid. Love for jazz music came quite early and he soon had the chance to play with renowned artists such as George Garzone, Steve Grossman, Benny Golson, Dave Liebman, Eddie Henderson, Rick Margitza, Scott Hamilton, Eddie Gomez, developing in terms of both experience and deep knowledge of jazz tradition. He has been paying in some of the most prestigious festivals worldwide ,he played in Spain, Portugall , Germany, France , Great Britain, Holland ,Turkey, USA, Japan, Israel, Russia and many others. He is an active member of Rosario Giuliani quartet ,Flavio Boltro quintet, Nicola Conte Jazz Combo, Sarah Mckenzie 4et, Giovanni Amato Organ 4et and many other..and he is currently carrying on is own quartet together with Daniele Tittarelli (sax), Francesco Lento (trumpet) and Pietro Ciancaglini (bassist). He has taken part to many recording sessions like: – Eddie Gomez Trio w Dado Moroni & Marco Valeri-2011 TJR / Pietro Lussu Trio- Northern Lights- 2011 -Albòre Recors- Japan / Daniele Tittarelli-Jungle Trane-“2001 ,Wind Sound Records / Daniele Tittarelli-No Hay Banda- 2007 Wide Sound Records / Atti & Basentini 5et- The Best things for you- “2007-Red Records / Marco Acquarelli 4et &5et-They say it’s spring- 2012 ,Tosky Records / Dave Liebman Quartet Live in Italy- 2011 TJR / Domenico Sanna Trio-Too Marvellous for words-2010 Tosky Records.Alice Ricciardi ‘’Optics’’ Inner Circle Music, Fresh Fish 5et ‘’Prestazione’’ Parco Della Musica, Sarah Mckenzie ‘’We could be lovers’’ Impulse, Chiara Civello ‘’Canzoni’’ Sony-Universal, Gaetano Partipilo ‘’Song from the 60’s’’ Schema Records, and more..

Ha suonato con\ He played with :

Greg Hutchinson  , Javier Girotto ,  Fernando Huergo , Mark Shlansky, Israel Varela ,Mario Corvini , Pino Jodice , Mark White , Paolo Fresu ,  B. Ferra , Raed Khoshaba , Pietro Jodice ,  Giovanni Tommaso ,Fabio Zeppetella , Paolo Damiani , Salvatore Buonafede , Scott Deogburn ,Sandro Deidda , Alexandre Cerdà Belda , Paolo Farinelli , Erico Morello, Stefano di Battista , Daniele Tittarelli , Elvio Ghigliordini , Antonio Ciacca, Francesco Puglisi, Dino Govoni, Marco Valeri , Luca Fattorini, Ron Savage , Giorgio Rosciglione , Valerio Vigliar ,  Claudio Filippini , Domenico Sanna , Pietro Ciancaglini , Francesco Poeti , Vincenzo Florio , David Boato , Paolo Recchia , Adam Pache ,  Stefano Nunzi , Carlo Conti , Andrea Molinari , Giovanni Imparato , Jacopo Ferrazza , Valerio Vantaggio , Enzo Amazio , Roberto Schiano, Adolfo Scotto Di Luzio , Giuliana Soscia , Francesco Ponticelli .

Biografia di Gianluca Vigliar

Gianluca Vigliar nasce a Roma nel 1979 e a 8 anni inizia gli studi musicali con il pianoforte. L’avvicinamento al jazz avviene subito dopo aver assistito ad una performance del famoso Tony Scott e motivo per cui si appassionerà al jazz e deciderà di indirizzarsi verso lo studio del sax tenore con il sassofonista P. Farinelli.

Successivamente si iscrive al Conservatorio Morlacchi di Perugia alla classe di sassofono di M. Raya diplomandosi nel settembre del 2007.

Contemporaneamente allo studio del conservatorio inizia l’ attività di turnista e arrangiatore in vari gruppi della scena nazionale del reggae e del pop partecipando a festival nazionali ed europei : nel 2004 vince insieme ad Andrea Rivera il primo premio al Festival del Teatro-Canzone Giorgio Gaber a Viareggio e nel 2006 il premio della manifestazione indetta dalla org. “Primo Maggio tutto l’anno” aprendo il concerto del primo maggio con i Wogiagia come solista e arrangiatore.
Nell’ aprile del 2010 si laurea al Conservatorio di S.Cecilia al biennio di secondo livello in jazz con il massimo dei voti e nello stesso anno si inserisce nell’ensamble di Paolo Damiani, direttore del dipartimento di Jazz del Conservatorio di Roma S.Cecilia, partecipando a diversi festival (come Siena Jazz ,Roccella Jazz Festival ).

Nel concorso per gruppi emergenti indetto dal Festival jazz di Fara Sabina “Fara in Jazz” del 2011 si aggiudica il primo premio come miglior solista. L’anno successivo con il suo progetto di trio pianoless 
”Vigliar G Trio” partecipa alla rassegna “Italian Jazz Days a New York” coordinata dal direttore del Lincoln Center Antonio Ciacca, esibendosi in una delle due serate con lo special guest Fabio Zeppetella.

Negli ultimi anni ha partecipato a diverse BigBand come primo tenore : con l’Orchestra Jazz di Villa Celimontana diretta da M.Corvini durante il Festival di Villa Celimontana del 2010 e 2011 e nella O.J.P di P.Jodice  con cui nell’ ultimo anno si e’ esibito insieme a Paolo Fresu e Raed Khoshaba (2016).

Conduce il suo progetto di pianoless “FraGia” (con Francesco Fratini alla tromba, al contrabbbaso Luca Fattorini e Marco Valeri alla batteria) .All’attivo un primo disco uscito il 5 ottobre 2017,e per il prossimo giugno 2019 usciranno con il loro secondo disco ma in quintetto con il vibrafonista Andrea Biondi.

Negli ultimi anni  partecipa come solista a diversi progetti :

il PJQuintet(“Pino Jodice Quintet”)con qui si esibito alla “ Casa del Jazz “  l’ 11 giugno 2016.

il “Trioness” di Federica Michisanti, con cui ha presentato il suo primo disco “Isk” a gennaio del 2017 alla “Casa del Jazz“.

Mambo Puente Latino Orquesta diretta da E.Ghigliordini.

Dasp ,quartetto del chitarrista M.Giuliani.


G.Vigliar sax

F.Fratini Trumpet

L.Fattorini Dbass

M.Valeri Drums

“Il gruppo e la sua storia”

Il “FraGia Quartet” e’ una formazione pianoless che nasce da un esperienza maturata dal sassofonista romano in questi ultimi anni con il suo “ Vigliar G Trio “, con il quale ha ricevuto diversi premi fino a suonare a New York durante l’Italian Jazz Festival nel 2011 .

Esperienza che è servita a concepire quella che oggi è la scrittura o meglio l’intelaiatura articolata delle melodie e dei paesaggi sonori attraversati dall’attuale band. Il quartetto è guidato da Gianluca Vigliar, sassofonista e compositore poliedrico, che ha riunito due giovani talenti come il trombettista Francesco Fratini e il contrabbassista Luca Fattorini uno straordinario batterista come Marco Valeri .

La Musica del Fragia Quartet tende a creare una sorta di narrazione e ha l obiettivo musicale di far in modo di creare una sinergia e una parita tra gli strumenti senza che ci sia un elemento prevalente . Un intenso interplay ed una costante tendenza a creare situazioni diverse e mutevoli, quindi molteplici terreni improvvisativi che danno la possibilita ai solisti di alternarsi ma non sulle stesse strutture creando cosi quel cambiamento sonoro che rende piu fruibile la musica da parte dell’ ascoltatore. La musica del quartetto piano less e’ caratterizzata prima di tutto dal timbro scuro e molto caldo degli strumenti ; le linee dei due fiati s’intrecciano a quelle del basso e creano nei temi un contrappunto che insieme alla scelta ritmica spesso dispara crea una pulsazione nel complesso incalzante e dal punto di vista della ricerca musicale accattivante.



address : Roma

phone :  +39 328 86 79 581

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